Thursday, February 7, 2019



Drama in Song

English Education Fair

Pandco 2018

Alhamdulillah...First Event ....

Lets Fight

Bismillah next year better

Debating competition MGMP Sesurabaya 2019

Alhamdulillah...The Hard Work has Paid .....Congrats Team
 Complete Personil

The First Winner ......We are the champion.....Lets do it again

Story Telling


1.Choose the following sentences which expression of Hope .....
a. I need a nice house
b. I would like to have a nice house
c. I wish I had a nice house
d. I like a nice house
e. I love diving.

2. The following sentence are expression of congratulation, except ....
a. I congratulate you on your success
b. Nice work
c. How poor you are
d. That's great
e. Wow, nice
3.Dika : I won the competition yesterday
   Hendri : Really? That's very great. Please accept my warmest congratulations
   Dika : .....
   Hendri : You are welcome

a. Thanks for saying so
b. I hope you say so
c. Oh, don't mention it
d. That's very great
e. Oh my God!

4. Diah : How was is your work?
    Ana : I have finished my first novel
    Diah : Wow...
    Ana : Thank you

a. Well done! You did it
b. Thank you
c. I hope it's fine
d. Oh my God!
e. How nice of you

5.  Faiz           : What’s up? You look so sad.
     Rizki          : My brother got sick and he is still hospitalized
     Faiz           : That’s too bad. I’m so sorry to hear that. How is he now?
     Rizki          : He is getting better now
     Faiz           : Oh, ………….
     Rizki          : I hope so

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue above is……
a. I hope he will get well soon
b. I hope he looks so sad
c. I hope he is still hospitalized
d. I hope he gets sick
e. I hope he looks happy

 Complete the following dialogue to answer questions 6 and 7!
Gina: Hi, Jean. How are you doing?
Jean: Bad.
Gina: What's wrong?
Jean: My father got sick. He has to stay in the hospital for a few days to get medical

Gina: What happened to him?
Jean: He got cancer.
Gina: I'm sorry to hear that. But you still go to school?
 Jean: Yeah, my mom told me that I have to go to school. She is in the hospital to
          accompany my dad.
Gina: I (6) …….. your dad will get better soon.
Jean: Yeah, (7)  ………..
6. a. congratulate
    b. talk
    c. hope
    d. try
    e. say

7.a.  I doubt
   b. I hope so
   c. I don't think so
   d. No comment
   e. yeah

8. Dita : Congratulation on your achievement Dety
    Dety : .....
a. Excellent
b. Good for you
c. How nice of you to say so
d. nice job
e. great

9. Whose party is it?
    a. Marie
    b. Devoe
    c. Kim
    d. Maries
    e. You

10. When will the party be held?
    a. at Devoe Road
    b. at 6.30 p.m
    c. on march 13
    d. at the second house
    e. on the right

11.  Regret only : Marie Salinger 238-1722 or e-mail
    the word above tell us that we should ....
    a. give information if we cannot come
    b. give information if we can come
    c. ask information how to come to the place
    d. contact Marie Salinger before we come
    e. write a letter to Marie

12. Our house is at the second house on the right.
    The underlined word refers to...
    a. Marie's family
    b. Kim's family
    c. Devoe's family
    d. Salinger's family
    e. David’s family
13. The example of salutations is.......
    a. yours
    b. see you
    c. best wishes
    d. with love
    e. My love

Aswer These question below clearly !
  1. Complete the dialog of declining invitation !
Ary      : Mr. Aang, I would like to invite you to the opening of my software 
Aang  : When and where ?
Ary      : This Saturday at 10 a.m
Aang : ............................................. I have prior engagement.
  1. Make a simple invitation !
  2. What is the latest word in the structure of personal letter ?
  3. Where should we write our address in personal letter ?

RPP Kelas XI


Satuan Pendidikan  : SMK NEGERI 5 Surabaya
Mata Pelajaran          : Bahasa Inggris (Wajib)
Kelas/ Semester       : XI/ genap
Materi Pokok                        : Teks explanation terkait dengan gejala sosial (teknologi)
Alokasi waktu          : 2 x 45 menit

1.      Disajikan teks exposition terkait gejala sosial (teknologi),  siswa mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasan dalam teks.
2.      Disajikan beberapa teks exposition terkait gejala sosial (teknologi), siswa mampu membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasan dalam teks.
3.      Disajikan beberapa teks exposition terkait gejala sosial (teknologi),  siswa mampu mengidentifikasi makna teks.
4.      Disajikan beberapa teks exposition terkait gejala sosial (teknologi),  siswa mampu menyebutkan  siswa mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasan dalam teks.

Kompetensi dasar
Indikator pencapaian kompetensi
3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks explanation lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait proses gejala sosial (teknologi) sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
3.8.1        Menyebutkan fungsi sosial teks explanation terkait proses gejala sosial (teknologi).
3.8.2        Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial teks explanation terkait proses gejala sosial (teknologi)
3.8.3        Menjelaskan struktur teks explanation terkait proses  gejala sosial (teknologi)
3.8.4        Menyebutkan unsur kebahasaan teks  explanation terkait proses gejala sosial (teknologi)
4.8 Teks explanation proses gejala sosial (teknologi)
4.8.1 menangkap makna secara
kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
explanation lisan dan tulis terkait proses gejala sosial (teknologi)   Menentukan informasi umum dalam teks explanation terkait proses gejala sosial (teknologi)   Menentukan informasi tertentu dalam teks explanation terkait proses gejala sosial (teknologi)   Menentukan informasi rinci dalam teks explanation terkait proses gejala sosial (teknologi)   Menentukan makna kata dalam teks explanation terkait proses gejala sosial (teknologi)

Teks explanation terkait dengan cara kerja telefon seluler.

Fungsi Sosial
Menjelaskan, memberi gambaran alasan terjadinya suatu fenomena tentang cara kerja telefon seluler.

Struktur Teks
-   fenomena
-   identitas gejala
-   rangkaian penjelasan

Unsur Kebahasaan, mencakup
-   Adverbia first, then, following, finally
-   Hubungan sebab-akibat (if –then, so, as a consequence, since, due to, because of)
-   Kalimat pasif, dalam tenses yang present
-   Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

Contoh teks
How do cell phones work?
Cell phones have become a universal and indispensable tool for our modern life. With a cell phone, you can talk to anybody on the planet from almost anywhere. But do you really know how your cell phone works?
Cell phones contain at least one radio antenna in order to transmit or receive radio signals. An antenna converts an electric signal to the radio wave (transmitter) and vice versa (receiver). Some cell phones use one antenna as the transmitter and receiver while others, such as the iPhone 5, have multiple transmitting or receiving antennas.
In the most basic form, a cell phone is essentially a two-way radio which consists of a radio transmitter and a radio receiver. When you chat with your friend on your cell phone, your phone converts your voice into an electrical signal. Then, it transmitted via radio waves to the nearest cell tower. The network of cell towers then relays the radio wave to your friend’s cell phone which converts it to an electrical signal and then back to sound again.
Cell phones use radio waves to communicate. Radio waves transport digitized voice or data in the form of oscillating electric and magnetic fields which are called the electromagnetic field (EMF). The rate of oscillation is called frequency. Radio waves carry the information and travel in air at the speed of light. That is how cellphones work.

Cooperative learning
Fishbone technique

1)      bagan fishbone technique
2)      telefon seluler
3)      power point yang berisi gambar yang terkait dengan bagaimana cara kerja telefon seluler.
1)      Teks tentang bagaimana cara kerja telefon seluler yang diadaptasi dari  diakses pada 24 November 2016
2)      Video tentang how do cellphones work yang diunduh dari  dan diakses pada tanggal 25 Nopember 2016


Alokasi waktu
Kegiatan awal
1)   Guru mengucapkan salam (greeting) dan menanyakan kabar siswa;
2)   Guru meminta seorang siswa untuk memimpin do’a;
3)   Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa;
4)   Guru memastikan kesiapan siswa baik secara fisik maupun mental sebelum memulai proses   pembelajaran;
5)   Guru memotivasi siswa dalam belajar belajar bahasa Inggris dengan menjelaskan manfaatnya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. 
6)   Guru memberikan pertanyaan pendahuluan yang terkait dengan materi yang akan dipelajari;
What is the function of language?
How do you usually communicate with other people who are far away from you?           
7)   Guru menjelaskan tentang tujuan  pembelajaran  atau  kompetensi  dasar  yang  akan dicapai;
8)   Guru menyampaikan cakupan materi, uraian kegiatan, dan penilaian.

1 - 5 (5 menit)

6-8 (5 menit)
Kegiatan inti
Mengamati (observing)
1)        siswa diminta untuk membentuk grup berjumlah 2 siswa.
2)        Melalui tampilan power point dan video, siswa diminta melihat gambar- gambar dan video terkait gejala sosial (teknologi)yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan telefon seluler yang terdapat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. (LKPD 1 dan 2)
Mempertanyakan (questioning)
3)        Dengan panduan guru, siswa mempertanyakan antara lain mengenai mengapa kita bisa berbicara melalui telefon seluler dan bagaimana hal tersebut bisa terjadi.
4)        siswa mempertanyakan proses apa saja yang terjadi sehingga kita dapat berbicara dengan orang yang jauh dari kita dan bagaimana hal tersebut bisa terjadi.
Mencoba (experimenting)
5)        diberi teks dan bagan fishbone, siswa membaca text mengenai cara kerja telefon seluler yang berjudul how do cellphones work?sambil mengisi bagan tersebut sesuai isi teks. (LKPD 4 dan 5)
6)        Siswa berlatih menemukan topic, informasi rinci dan informasi tertentu dalam teks yang dibaca.
7)        Siswa mendiskusikan fungsi sosial teks explanation terkait proses gejala sosial (teknologi).
8)        secara berkelompok, siswa menganalisis struktur teks explanation dalam teks terkait dengan gejala sosial (teknologi).
9)        Secara berkelompok, siswa mendiskusikan unsur kebahasaan dalam teks explanation terkait dengan proses gejala sosial (teknologi).
Menalar (associating)
10)    Secara berkelompok, siswa membandingkan fungsi sosial teks explanation terkait dengan proses gejala sosial (teknologi).
11)    Secara berkelompok, siswa membandingkan struktur teks explanation terkait dengan proses gejala sosial (teknologi).
12)    Secara berkelompok,  siswa membandingkan unsur kebahasaan teks explanation terkait dengan proses gejala sosial (teknologi).
Mengkomunikasikan (communicating)
13)    Siswa mempresentasikan penjelasan tentang cara kerja telefon seluler secara bergiliran dengan kelompok lain.

1-2 (5 menit)

3-4 (30 menit)

30 menit

10 menit
Kegiatan akhir
1)        Siswa membuat jurnal belajar (learning journal)
2)        Siswa diberikan tugas untuk mencari teks explanation terkait dengan proses gejala sosial (teknologi)yang terjadi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
3)        Dengan pengarahan guru, siswa menyimpulkan hasil diskusi.
4)        Bersama dengan siswa, guru memberikan penguatan pemahaman kepada siswa.
5)        Guru mengakhiri  kelas dengan mengucapkan salam.

5 menit

1.      Aspekpengetahuan
Kisi –kisi penilaian

Teknik penilaian
Bentuk penilaian
Nomor Soal

Menyebutkan fungsi sosial teks explanation terkait proses gejala sosial (teknologi).
Tes tulis
Pilihan ganda
Soal A no.1
Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial teks explanation terkait proses gejala sosial (teknologi)
Tes tulis
Pilihan ganda
Soal A no.2
Menjelaskan struktur teks explanation terkait proses  gejala sosial (teknologi)
Tes tulis
Pilihan ganda
Soal A no.3
Menyebutkan unsur kebahasaan teks  explanation terkait proses gejala sosial (teknologi)
Tes tulis
Pilihan ganda
Soal A no.4

Pedoman penskoran
Jawaban benar          = 20    
Jawaban salah           = 0
Skor maksimal          = 100
Nilai akhir PG          = jawaban benar x 20
2.      Aspek keterampilan
Kisi-kisi penilaian

Teknik penilaian
Bentuk penilaian

Menentukan informasi umum dalam teks explanation terkait proses gejala sosial (teknologi)
Tes tulis
True/ False
Soal B no.1
Menentukan informasi tertentu dalam teks explanation terkait proses gejala sosial (teknologi)

Tes tulis
True/ False
Soal B no.2
Menentukan informasi rinci dalam teks explanation terkait proses gejala sosial (teknologi)

Tes tulis
True/ False
Soal B no.3
Menentukan makna kata dalam teks explanation terkait proses gejala sosial (teknologi)
Tes tulis
True/ False
Soal B no.4

Pedoman penskoran
-          True false
Jawaban benar    = 1      
Jawaban salah     = 0
Skor maksimal    = 4
Nilai akhir TF     = jawaban benar x 10

Key answer
Soal A (1-5)

1.      (B)
2.      (A)
3.      (C)
4.      (D)
Soal B (1-4)

1.      F
2.      T
3.      F
4.      T




Slides tentang cara kerja telefon seluler

Video tentang cara kerja telefon seluler

Lampiran  3

Fishbone chart
Complete the following chart by writing the things that you have learnt from the explanation texts entitled How do cellphones work?


The main idea of the first paragraph

The main idea of the second paragraph
The main idea of the fourth paragraph
The main idea of the third paragraph

How do cellphones work?

The generic structure of explanation steps are:
Generic structure of explanation text
location (paragraph)
1.      General statement

2.      Sequenced explanations

                                                         LAMPIRAN  4
Instrumen penilaian pengetahuan

Name             : _______________________
Read the following text and answer the questions

How do cell phones work?
Cell phones have become a universal and indispensable tool for our modern life. With a cell phone, you can talk to anybody on the planet from almost anywhere. But do you really know how your cell phones work?
Cell phones contain at least one radio antenna in order to transmit or receive radio signals. An antenna converts an electric signal to the radio wave (transmitter) and vice versa (receiver). Some cell phones use one antenna as the transmitter and receiver while others, such as the iPhone 5, have multiple transmitting or receiving antennas.
In the most basic form, a cell phone is essentially a two-way radio which consists of a radio transmitter and a radio receiver. When you chat with your friend on your cell phone, your phone converts your voice into an electrical signal. Then, it transmitted via radio waves to the nearest cell tower. The network of cell towers then relays the radio wave to your friend’s cell phone which converts it to an electrical signal and then back to sound again.
Cell phones use radio waves to communicate. Radio waves transport digitized voice or data in the form of oscillating electric and magnetic fields which are called the electromagnetic field (EMF). The rate of oscillation is called frequency. Radio waves carry the information and travel in air at the speed of light. That is how cellphones work.
A.    Answer the following questions by choosing either A, B, C, or D.
1.      What is the social function of the text above?
A.    The increased level of cellphone usage
B.     The detailed information of how something happens
C.     The advantages of using cellphones
D.    The importance of cellphones in this modern life

2.      What is the communicative purpose of the text above?
A.    to inform readers about how cellphones work
B.     to retell the writer’s past experiences
C.     to announce the advantages of using cellphones
D.    to show readers how to do something

3.      Which paragraph describes the general statement of the text?
A.    the last paragraph
B.     the second paragraph
C.     the first paragraph
D.    The third paragraph

4.      Then, it transmitted via radio waves to the nearest cell tower.” (paragraph 3, line 3). Which of the following words  can replace the underlined word?
A.    before
B.     however
C.     even though
D.    after that

B.     Decide whether the following statements are true or false

In the most basic form, a cell phone is essentially a two-way radio which consists of a radio tower and a radio receiver

Radio waves carry the information and travel in the air at the speed of light.

An antenna absorbs an electric signal to the radio wave (transmitter) and vice versa (receiver).

Some cell phones require one antenna as the transmitter and receiver while others have multiple transmitting or receiving antennas.

Tugas Dialog